If you can continue to send your pledge or offering to the church, please do so We still need to be thoughtful stewards during this time. This is not the most important consideration we have right now, but it is one we have to think about in the days ahead. There is a secure mailbox located off the parking lot entrance. You can safely leave your checks in that box. It is checked several times daily. The Western North Carolina Conference has created a safe giving portal to submit tithes and offerings to any United Methodist Church within the WNCC. 

Click on the photo shown below where you can make your safe online offering. Or mail your contribution in 

195 New Market Road

Tryon NC , 28782

PLEASE NOTE:  Please use "BLUE RIDGE" District from the drop down menu as you complete your offering online. Thank You !

Your entire donation will be sent to Tryon MC. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7


Your giving supports our church operations and local, national, and international ministries.


The United Methodist Church supports missions around the world through the Board of Global Ministries. Their resources are often first on the scene of a major catastrophe. We at Tryon UM support those efforts as a part of our church budget.




In addition to the gifts you can make to Tryon United Methodist you may also make designated gifts to the following specific ministries:

•  Habitat for I fumanity of Polk and I lenderson Counties (local)
•  Hendersonville Rescue Mission (NC)
•  ÜMCOR-United Methodist Committee on Relief (NC and US)
•  Kairos Prison Ministry (NC and SC)
•  Steps to | lope (Local)
•  Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (Local)