-  MATTHEW 28:19

Jesus instructed us to care about the physical needs of the people he described as, "the least of these" ( Matthew 25:31). Christians must care about the needs of people who are hungry, naked or otherwise in need, both around the corner and around the world.


How does the church raise awareness of the needs of persons? How do we develop ministries and funding to respond to those needs? How do we enlist people in becoming more involved in this kind of ministry?  


These are the issues Tryon United Methodist Church seeks to answer.   


"...I was in prison and you visited me." Matthew 25:36. Tryon UMC has been in a long partnership with Kairos Prison Ministry. The purpose of Kairos is to bring Christ's love to the incarcerated and their families. The purpose of the Kairos Inside Program is to establish the Kairos Christian community inside prisons through the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in becoming a prayer partner, support volunteer, team member, or would simply like to learn more, please fill out and submit the form below and someone will contact you.