Sunday, January 12, 2025 Service

Tryon UMC is no longer live streaming its Sunday morning worship service, but will record and upload each week’s worship service to our church’s website as well as to Facebook. Online viewers can watch each Sunday worship service anytime they wish during the week. Every effort will be made to have each Sunday’s worship service video available to view online no later than Monday at 6:00 PM.


On our church website, www.tryonumc.org, use the dropdown menu and select “Worship Video”. On our church’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/tumctryon, click on the menu item “Video”.


➢  We continue to encourage you to make your offerings to the church so that we can continue to operate and take care of the essential day-to-

     day things to keep us functioning as a church. You can mail in your offering or come by and drop it in our locked mailbox. You can also give on-

     line with your credit card.  Click on the link on our website under Giving.


  Page Turners Monday, January 20, 12:00 p.m. See Below for more information

➢  Blue Ridge District Superintendent Rev. Mark Ralls
Leads Worship January 19th.


➢  Please check the Prayer List each week for those who have asked for our prayers.  And please help us

keep our list up-to-date. 

     If there are names that need to be added or taken off the list, please contact the office at 828-859-9218 or

send an email to tumc1@tryonumc.net 









➢  If you have an announcement about something you are involved with in the community, please share that with us and we will share that with   the congregation. Announcements should be received by 12:00 p.m. each Wednesday in order to be printed in the announcements for Sunday.


➢   Chancel Choir - Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m. Choir Room All are welcome to come and

“lift a joyful noise unto the Lord”!

➢ Handbells -Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Handbell Room. All are welcome to come and

➢  Comfort Shawls. Every second and fourth Tuesday. 10:00 a.m. Comfort Shawl Room.

➢  Qi Gong. Monday’s and Fridays. 10:00—11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall

➢  AA Meetings: Meets on Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

➢  Girl Scouts: Thursday. 4:30 p.m. Education Rooms, 2nd Floor (Not meeting during the summer.

➢  Living Clean. Thursday. 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall.




Giving for January 5, 2025                 $7,040.70                                                   Weekly Goal                 $3,251.44

Total Giving for January, 2025         $7,040.70                                                   Monthly Goal                $14,089.00

Total Pledges and Giving for 2024               (As of December 31, 2024):  $189,442.24

* A deposit was made in the amount of $26,062 from our account with the United Methodist Foundation of Western NC to cover expenses for the church.


January 5, 2025                        IN PERSON: 34                           ON-LINE: 177                                  TOTAL: 211

Stewardship for the 2025 Budget

Amount Pledged to date:  $57,792.00                  Total Budget for 2025: $169,075


Offering given during worship services. 

Drop off offerings in the locked mailbox outside the church office. 

Give on-line with your credit card. See our website at www.tryonumc.org Click on “Giving” link.  


➢  In-person worship is held each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in our Sanctuary. 

➢  View our recorded worship service on our website at www.tryonumc.org. Use the dropdown menu and select “Worship Vide

➢  Recorded services are available on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/tumctryon Click the menu item “video”.



Inserted in your announcements this week is information on giving for the first four months of 2024. In our Gathering Meeting on April 23rd, some of you mentioned you would like to see more information about giving and how we are doing regarding making our budget for the year.


The insert includes weekly and monthly giving for January through April and what we need each week and month to meet our budget. Going forward, you will get a summary each week in the bulletin to let you track how we are doing. 


If you have any questions about this information, please contact Lynn Montgomery, our church treasurer, or Pastor Lynnette. 


➢  in-person during Sunday worship services.

➢  Drop off your offering in our locked mailbox outside the church office.

➢  Give on-line with your credit card. See our website at www.tryonumc.org Click on “Giving” link. NOTE: Make sure you identify our church as

       Tryon UMC in Tryon, NC in the Blue Ridge District (there is a Tryon Methodist Church in Charlotte in the Metro District. Sometimes we get

     confused with them).


On behalf of our staff, thank you to everyone for the cards, gifts, and contributions during the holiday season. They were very much appreciated.


Thank you, especially to all of those who have helped in this process.



Tryon United Methodist Church

Mission Statement: The people of Tryon United Methodist Church seek to answer God’s call to be disciples of Christ

Vision Statement: As Disciples of Christ we come together as a loving, caring family of faith:

     To share the hope, peace, grace, and love of Jesus Christ.

     To worship God and nurture spiritual growth.

     To grow in understanding of the Bible and its revelation of Jesus Christ.

     To serve the needs of our neighbors near and far.



January Birthdays              

1/14 - Stuart Armstrong    

1/18 - Johnny Cochran

1/18 - Noah Palmer


January Anniversaries

1/15 - Jane and Stuart Armstrong


 Page Turners

Monday, January 20, 12:00 p.m.

A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy is the book for discussion at the Page Turners' meeting on

Monday, January 20th. In a small town on the west coast of Ireland, an unlikely cast of characters come together at a newly opened inn. We meet at noon in the church library.

Come join us!



Weekly Gatherings after Worship

Each week after worship we meet in the Gathering Area outside the Sanctuary to enjoy some delicious homemade goodies and beverages.  Many thanks to those who make this happen each week. 

Please join us for that time of fellowship. 


2024 Giving Statements

Your 2024 Giving Statements will be available January 5th.  Anyone attending worship that day may pick up their statement then.  They will be located in a box outside the sanctuary entrance closest to the elevator.  If you are not able to pick that up on January 5th, they will be mailed to you in the coming week.  if you have any questions about your statement, contact Pastor Lynnette before January 12th .  After January 12th, please contact Judy Banks, Linda Robison or Pam Monterisi.  



“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,

At all the times you can, To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can.”

― John Wesley



Looking Ahead:


Plan to bring cans of soup to give at the end of February to the Outreach Food Pantry.  Leave your cans of soup on the table outside the Sanctuary (near the elevator). Goal for this year is 175 cans.

You don't have to be a football fan to participate.  🙂




Blue Ridge District Superintendent Rev. Mark Ralls
Leads Worship January 19th.

Please plan to attend worship January 19th as we welcome our District Superintendent Rev. Mark Ralls who will deliver the message and lead in worship that Sunday.  Following worship, Rev. Ralls will talk with you about next steps at Tryon United Methodist Church and how this church will go forward.  Your presence, your questions, your concerns, your hopes...bring those to worship and offer them for conversation with Rev. Ralls.  

Dates to Remember:

March 2—Transfiguration Sunday

March 4—Shrove Tuesday

March 5—Ash Wednesday

March 9—First Sunday in Lent/Daylight Saving Time Begins

March 30—UMCOR Sunday

April 13—Palm/Passion Sunday

April--17 Maundy Thursday

April 18—Good Friday

April 20—Easter Sunday

April 21—Office closed Easter Monday


Here’s to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world.  They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself.  They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. 

Look for them in this present darkness. Light your candle with their flame.


 And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands.  Bring light to a dark and desperate world. 


Be the hero you are looking for. Peace is possible.  It begins with us.


                                                                                                      ~L. R. Knost~


Jesus said to them, “The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, lest the darkness overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                         –John 12:35-




 Welcome into Membership

Deck Cline

Tryon United Methodist Church

July 7, 2024     


 Welcome into Membership

Deck Cline

Tryon United Methodist Church

July 7, 2024     


 Welcome into Membership

David and Karen Little 

Tryon United Methodist Church

March  24, 2024